Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Wii gaming system makes exercise fun!!!

Dietitians seem to talk a lot about exercise. Well, what can I say? Consistent and long-term exercise is the way to get healthy. But do you hate to exercise?? Me, too - I get bored and it seems that the time just drags by, even though I'm watching my favorite soap while I work on my elliptical trainer. Recently my son got a Nintendo Wii console gaming system and, with video games to match your interests, it is a sure way to get through your exercise sessions. In fact, you'll be enjoying yourself so much that you may even want to "exercise" longer.

I know from personal experience. I now have my own Nintendo Wii with the Brunswick Pro Bowling game and I have a blast bowling my way through my exercise session. It may not be as energetic as jogging or as heart pounding, but I sure enjoy it much more. And it gets me moving while being gentle on my joints.

There are lots of games for Wii gaming system to choose from if you don't like bowling, like golf, tennis, baseball, basketball, football, soccer. Something for everyone. I just learned there is a game called Boogie for the Wii gaming system. It's a dance video and I love to dance! I can hardly wait to get my copy. I plan to rotate between bowling and boogie, maybe even tennis or boxing. So if your New Year's resolution is to exercise more, lose weight or even just stop watching so much television, the Nintendo Wii gaming system will get you moving on your way to your fitness goals. And what a great excuse to buy video games!!!

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